As I mentioned in my last post, we just finished decluttering and reorganizing around here over the holidays, and let me reemphasize what a huge relief and accomplishment it was. In fact, relief doesn’t even come close to describing how I feel.
I would actually say that decluttering is the best kind of diet you can go on.
I feel 20 pounds lighter! Now I just have to keep reminding myself that I need to let go, accumulate and want less (all the time). For most of us, that is a tall freakin order, especially in this day and age.
While I am constantly in a tug-of-war with myself… trying to “beautify” but simplify, Noob Daddy is the polar opposite. He is the definition of minimalist. If you look up minimalist on Wikipedia (because who uses a Webster anymore, right? For shame!), Noob Daddy’s smug mugshot would be ah-ah-ah-ing me with a really annoying I’ve-got-it-all-figured-out expression. Even his hypothetical Wiki mugshot would know that I am currently lusting after some ridiculously gorgeous pillows from Pottery Barn.
It’s hard this day and age not to be seduced by the ease and excess of consumerism. Buying is too convenient, sales are so over the top, and there is never a lack of want.
I am always justifying buying toys or stacks of books for Noob Baby. I admit, I enjoy it way more than she does. There’s something about giving to your child, providing things you wanted but maybe didn’t have when you were young, that feels so good, right? And when the ball starts rolling, it’s hard to remember to slow down and reexamine, reevaluate, and reign yourself in. What is necessary? What is a special treat? What is over the top? And most importantly, what is truly meaningful?
As fate would have it, I stumbled upon this fantastically written blog post at Becoming Minimalist titled 35 Gifts Your Children Will Never Forget. I knew I had to share this with you! Definitely swing over there and find out what you as a parent can and should be giving your children that doesn’t cost a cent. It’s nice to be reminded of all these lifelong gifts that I’m capable of giving, just as I’m planning/attempting to rewire my own programming.
I’d love to hear which of these gifts from the list really hit home with you. And what’s your style? Minimalist or Clutterbug?
i am a total clutterbug! but my biggest resolution is to get organized and get rid of some of the unecessary crap i hang on to.
and you are right, once you get going letting go of all that extra clutter truly is liberating!
Ally – I’ve been reading this book and it has totally motivated me to kick the clutter out of my life. I plan on posting about this book when I’m finished, but in case you’re interested right now… here’s a link: The Joy of Less, A Minimalist Living Guide: How to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify Your Life This book really gets to the root of the problem rather than just suggesting a bunch of expensive organizers to purchase!
Thanks for the lead! Going to check it out right now! 😉