Do you consider yourself to be a super cleanaholic? Neat freak perhaps? Or even, dare I say, a germaphobe?
Would you describe yourself as OCD? Or do your friends ever say to you, “Oh you’re such a Howard (as in Hughes, think Aviator).”
Perhaps you are obsessed with all things antiseptically delicious — wipes, foams, soaps, etc? You might even carry Purell or other gel-like products in your purse, on your key chain, underneath your pillow, strapped to your thigh, tucked in your bra.
If so… this post will give you the chance to break free from your self-imposed prison! And if you are NOT totally neurotic antibacterially inclined, then this post will give you the high-five, chest bump, fist-pounding approval you’ve so desperately needed.
*Pointing to self*
My dear friend and doctor-to-be, Heather, sent me the link to this NY Times article, Babies Know: A Little Dirt Is Good For You. In short, the study says it’s ok — healthy even– to get dirty and germy once in awhile. It’s even good for your little one to to be exposed to cooties. It does the body good (in moderation).
It was fascinating to learn that some types of worms are known to prevent or reverse certain types of autoimmune disease, such as multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel diseases, Crohn’s disease, allergies and asthma.
One doctor from the study suggested that using too many antibacterial products may increase the likelihood of developing antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Using plain soap and water is sufficient. And bonus points for you if you have household pets! Having pets allows your kid to be exposed to intestinal worms that can promote a healthy immune system. Yum-O!
So, next time I’m in any of these situations, I will invoke Parental Code 7.318a – Germs Are Good So There!
- Pacifier gets chucked on the floor by angry Noob Baby. Pop said pacifier back in her mouth after blowing it off for good measure. Receive dirty looks from people who are clearly not classified as parents. BAM! Invoke PC7.318a. Case Closed.
- Noob Baby grabs fistful of cat’s alluring tail. Furry hand goes into baby’s mouth. Sweeeeeet! Bonus points for intestinal worm guys. Invoke PC7.318a. Case Closed.
- Noob Baby sucks viciously on stroller and car seat straps that may or may not have been dragged through various parking lots. Invoke PC7.318a. Case Closed.
I suckNoob Baby sucks on Noob Baby’s feet. Invoke PC7.318a. Case Closed.
- Noob Baby discovers ancient Gerber Puff artifact that was encased in fuzzy lint to preserve its magical healing powers. NB decides to consume Gerber relic in hopes of crawling faster. Invoke PC7.318a. Case Closed.
And lastly… the best reason to invoke PC7.318a – Germs Are Good So There!

In total agreement BusyDad – wet food is where the line must be drawn. I mean, there needs to be some order to the chaos 🙂
oliver tried to eat the dogs foot once lol.
okay i can agree with almost all those germ facts (even though when i do rarely deep clean i sanitize everything! and i use hand sanitizer in situations where i would have washed my hands but couldnt, or was too lazy to go to the sink..
but for the most part i am not too terrified of germs
intestinal parisites however! eeeww!!! that is so disgusting!!! if there is such a thing as a good intestinal parasite it must be one that has no symptoms and is never checked for and goes away on its own. bc honestly any kind of tape or pin or round worm can stay the heck away from my family and dog!
also we went to the vet last week and the dog got checked for stuff and her poop was clean of buggies! so i am totally okay with that! and will still keep baby away from doggies but, although he does get a handful of tail once in a while.
Is that cat drugged?
And germs rule! My only rule is you can’t eat “wet” food if it drops on the floor. Otherwise, it’s fair game. It’s kind of funny when we’re out in public and my son drops food because the first thing he’ll do is say “dry? or wet?”
Too funny! My own babe has only tried to eat cats tail, so intestinal worms… check. 🙂 When my neice was two yrs she decided to practice for tryouts on fear factor. Her plan involved on using a dead cockroach found on the backdoor threshold for a prop. Her auntie almost broke her back doing a back handed sumersault to stop her. Catastrophe was avoided in the end.
Ok, this is gross, but Ella ALMOST ate dog poop last Spring. Kyler actually stopped her just in time. And yesterday, she put her hand in the potty seat before I had a change to dump the potty out. Cute isn’t she!
Great advice. Even parents need to get a little germy once and while. Our pediatrician told us with our first born that was good to let your little eat a little dirt once and a while.
Ah, your post just made this nerdy would-be doctor’s day! Thanks for spreading the germs, I mean the love. I’m proud of you for standing up to the antibacterial establishment 🙂