Noob Baby has learned a new word. *crowd cheers*
She can say, “No.”
Or rather…. NO!!
*crowd weeps softly*
Uh oh! There’s a knot inside my stomach already. Is it too late to ask God for forgiveness for everything I did to my parents between the ages of 13-18ish?
I gave NB some Cheerios this morning. Just a thoughtful little sprinkling on her highchair… to give the day a cholesterol-free start, you know? And then she said,”NO! Fish!”
Translation: No freakin Cheerios. Gimme Goldfish! Now. In the piehole, lady.
I cowered in fear. Was slightly impressed. Then said, “No. Cheerios.” *insert caveman voice*
If I give in now ….
Noob baby will only get better at using this word. Sorry 🙂