NB2.0 just turned 16-months-old, and the most exciting development right now (besides getting in three canines simultaneously and drooling like a bloodhound) is that she’s learning more words! Sometimes learning a new word is something she practices for about a week and then one morning she’s got it. Other times, she’ll pull a Word Ninja on us and parrot a… Read More
The Most Important Parenting Advice in the World … Ever.
When you have your second child, there’s an innate part of you that wants to go back and fix some of the “mistakes” from the first time around. Maybe … “mistakes” sounds too critical, but there’s definitely the thought that crosses your mind like, “Mmmm, I probably won’t layer her bangs again with child safety scissors.” Part of you may… Read More
E.A.S.Y Schedules Cheat Sheet: 4 Sample Baby Schedules from 4 Weeks – 1 Yr
With our second noob on the way this May, I’ve been rereading many of my parenting books with more intensity, attention and renewed trepidation. I feel like I’ve been living in the lap of luxury for the past two years with Noob Baby sleeping an average of 11 hrs at night! Did I just voluntarily sign up to sacrifice all… Read More
How to Diffuse a Tantrum and also Raise a Happy Child
Noob Baby is 3 ½ years-old. I was reading online a few weeks ago that the “half” stages for children are similar to a state of disequilibrium. For example, at age three they’re generally more emotionally balanced, grounded and predictable. At 3 ½, the whole world is off kilter, confusing and pretty much one long sloppy hangover. Developing children keep… Read More
How to Reset Your Baby’s Sleep Cycle
Special thanks to today’s guest contributor, Nancy Parker, a former nanny who enjoys writing about parenting. Please check out her bio at the end of this post! As a new parent, it is hard to know what is natural and what should be changed. One thing that all new parents seem to suffer through is their child’s sleep cycle. If… Read More
Noob Mommy’s Guide to Choosing a Preschool
A few days ago, a family member was asking for suggestions on how to find a good quality preschool — one that isn’t just a glorified day care. While it seems there is this debate between choosing a fun preschool or an academic one, there really isn’t any reason why a respectable preschool can’t be both. As a parent, you… Read More