Sorry folks, but this is going to be a shorty.
April and May happen to be the craziest months for us this year. We have had a birthday-anniversary-wedding-(insert momentous occasion here) back to back for the past two months. It’s been insane. Every weekend has been filled with get-togethers and celebrations. I can’t complain of course … because we are celebrating some spectacular things. But I thought I’d let you know why I’ve been MIA yet again.
I will mention that in the middle of all these celebrations, I did succumb to a case of food poisoning. NOT FUN and so NOT CLASSY. It ruined my trip to SF for my dear friend’s med school graduation! Doubly uncool. The plus side is I’ve now returned to eating non-prison/old people food. BTW, I reserve the right to continue drinking Ginger Ale for breakfast. Deee-li-cious!
Next weekend is Noob Baby’s 2nd birthday. Whoa?! How did that happen so fast?
Once you become a parent, those old people sayings really become relevant. “Time flies so quickly…” “It wasn’t but yesterday that you were running around in diapers.”
I get it now. Well, I mean, technically Noob Baby is still running around in diapers.
Speaking of which — potty training. Yes, that is looming on the horizon. For her 2nd birthday, NB will be getting keys to her very own potty. It’s going to have one of those bumper stickers on the bottom that says, “Daddy’s Little Princess. Outta my way.” Or some other bratty thing like that. She’ll be the envy of the neighborhood.
That’s it for now. Hope to be back sooner, rather than later, with a real post (NO NITRATES. NO FILLERS.) and some Noob Baby birthday pictures!
I can relate to this. All of our birthdays are packed in to Oct-Dec and with Thanksgiving and Christmas thrown in for good measure it makes things exciting.