Last night, we finally bit the bullet and started to Ferberize Noob Baby. For more about this technique, check out How to Sleep Train Your Baby Using Dr. Richard Ferber’s Approach. NB has been waking up really erratically lately, and most of all, we still have to rock her to bed and for naptime, every single day!
As much as this sleep training is going to benefit her (allowing her to soothe herself), it’s also a self-preservation thing. Gotta say, Mommy and Daddy walking around all hunchbacked isn’t exactly the key ingredient for nooby siblings… am I right?
Though I passed on the Bacardi 151, I did, however, curl up into a ball and curse Ferber repeatedly. Luckily, I was able to turn to my lovely noob mommy friends for support! Shout out to my teachers! Holla!
Make sure you have some serious distractions before you start this, because baby will be crying – A LOT and LOUD! It sucks royally, and you feel like a miserable hobo-of-a-parent.
Oh yeah, if you’re wondering where Noob Daddy was in all this… apparently, he has already mastered the skill of tuning out wife and crying baby… yes, that same skill grumpy old grandpas brag about.
So, to sum up… I went in at 3 minutes, 5 mins., 7 mins., 10 mins., and then by God’s mercy, she started to settle down. Each time I went in, I simply reassured her (or mostly myself) that I was not a degenerate parent. Unfortunately, my pathetic apologies were drowned out by her wailing.
In total, Noob Baby cried for 31 minutes, and then FELL ASLEEP ON HER OWN! There was no rocking, bouncing, patting, swaying, swinging, breakdancing, or running man. She did it on her own! And this morning, she even woke up cooing and had a big smile on her face. True story!
Before I get all cocky and promise Ferbs any favors *ahem,* we shall wait and see what today brings…. because today we shall throw naptime into the mix. And along with naptime, today is TGIF (aka Trash Day).
I will try to post some updates this weekend on how the sleep training is going, because I know there are a lot of noob parents out there dying for some sleep like me. Wish me luck! And oh yeah, if you don’t hear from me… that means Noob Baby pwned me!
Hi! I’m thinking about starting the CIO method on my 5 month old baby. Would it be possible to just start out doing the naps only or do I have to do naps and bedtime? I’m just not sure if he can go all night without eating, so I figure if I start with just naps, then hopefully his self soothing will linger over to bedtime too. Also, do you have a proper nap time routing and specific time for naps? Right now, I put my baby down for naps whenever he’s tired or before 2 hours of wakefulness (whichever comes first!), so he doesn’t have a set nap time…they’re just around the same times everyday.
How old was your baby when you started this? Also, when you first let her CIO did she sleep less that night?
If we survive this (past night 1), maybe we can negotiate a baby exchange ;P
Glad to hear you survived night 1! We are going to have to Ferberize Ella here pretty soon. I’m just not quite ready for it! Maybe I could just send her to your house and you can do it for me!:)
Recent blog post: Our First Boo-Boo