I was thinking, perhaps Jaws here has been given a bad rap over the years. The signs and symptoms to an untrained parental eye would seem villainous, predatory, and downright frightening – gnawing on legs, biting boats and using ship parts as gum soothers.
But consider this: fussiness, irritability, drooling, chewing on everything in sight…
I’m just going to play devil’s advocate and argue that Jaws was just teething. I mean, sharks have 5-15 rows of teeth. Their teeth normally last about a week, and take 24 hours to replace. Isn’t that amazing? Sharks are constantly teething. Somebody give the poor guy a Zwieback biscuit.
The reason I bring this up is because I’ve noticed Noob Baby showing Jaws behavior within the last week or so. I suspect she’s teething again, but she won’t let me in there to scope out the sitch.
So, here’s a post about teething and some things you can do to provide your little noob some relief while she snarls at you and sucks the bejeezus out of the cat’s tail.
- Throw a teething toy at her and run. Try a teething pacifier, or this blanket wipes up drool and has different textured corners. Remember that teething toys should go in the fridge and not the freezer… contrary to what your parents might have done back in the day.
- Put a cold washcloth in the fridge and let her suck on it.
- If your noob is capable of basic “chewing” or eating lumpier solids, you can try a teething biscuit. Always supervise carefully in case the biscuit crumbles.
- Try a fresh food feeder with some cold/frozen fruit, veggies, or ice cubes. A tasty cool treat that even keeps her entertained.
- For teething pain, Infant Tylenol (Acetaminophen) or Baby Orajel can be given if ok’d by your doc.
- I’ve never tried Teething Tablets, but this is a nice homeopathic alternative.
- Lastly, let her chew on an old slipper. This also works great for puppies 🙂
My boy is 7.5 months and has been teething since 4 months. When will it ever end?!?!
I agree – much like Cujo. Much like rabies.
He won’t sleep, or nap, or eat, but he also wants to breastfeed constantly, then suddenly chomp down. What am I to do?
Haha. I’ve tried orajel, which works for about three minutes. I’ve tried tylenol, which I can’t quite tell how well it works. I’m interested in the teething tablets. One thing that does help is cold apples (sans skin) in fresh food feeder. Thank goodness for that!
I hope Noob baby finds relief in the slipper chewing! LOL!
Recent blog post: Admitting I Have A Problem…
My God! Think how differently things could have turned out if only someone had only tossed that shark a teething ring!
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