Congratulations to Kate (commenter #4) the winner of my first giveaway – a free 3-month membership to! Hope your little noob enjoys some online fun.
Now I’m off to go pack for our very first Noob road trip tomorrow. There probably isn’t enough horse tranquilizer to keep the Noob happy on this 7-8 hour road trip. And there probably isn’t enough tequila for me either.
I’m praying that if I pour tons and tons of Cheerios (I mean like… a crap load) all over her car seat, the gods will be pleased with my offering. I heard you’re supposed to cover the Noob with Cheerios so only her eyes are visible. Then she eats her way out of the mound by the end of the trip.
60% of the time… it works everytime. It’s called foolish foolproof parenting.
So, I’ll probably be on a blog break till next week, depending on what kind of National Lampoons type shenanigans we get ourselves into. Until then … Happy Eggster!
Happy easter!
yay! i’m excited to see you and the nooberoo! drive safe and enjoy the spring scenery.
got here thur coconut- um, I agree with the cherrios….but what happens when she eats the giant moutain of cherrios and has to poop the 3 million ceral bits? Maybe you need some of those astronaut depends for her!
I don’t know how this is possible, but the longest car ride Lexi has been on is 2 hours. I look forward to hearing how your 7 hour trip goes. Happy Easter!!!