See those brave adventurers sitting on that fancy log up there? That’s my Noob Family!
The Noobs
Noob Daddy and I are two introverts born and raised in sunny California. We’ve been together for almost 15 years (that’s like 200 years Hollywood time).
Noob 1.0 (7-years-old) is our (bad) jokester who talks a mile-a-minute. She’s stubborn and clever. The worst combo to be up against.
Noob 2.0 (3-years-old) is her brave goofy sidekick. She’s all sparkle and bling! Her favorite food at the moment is kimchi.
Noob Kitty
Noob Kitty is the master of purring, eating, and shedding mini kitties around the house. She takes her job very seriously.