What do you get when you cross Alice in Wonderland, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (specifically the tunnel scene in the original) and David Lynch?
Noob Baby’s Nursery!!
So, as I was feeding Noob Baby yesterday, I suddenly got this eerie feeling that I was being watched. And it turns out I was… by these guys —–>
Not sure if anyone else has this mobile, but take a look at the eyes on those guys. Seriously, why the designers thought it would be cute to make the donkey and camel(?) look as though they just dropped acid is beyond me. They should be the spokesanimals for the old Visine commercials.
The mobile also has these black and white swirls that hypnotize the baby. Kinda like the Twilight Zone series where they use the black and white circles to signify Vertigo! or Time Warp!
Yes, I know the lines are there to stimulate Noob Baby’s visual development, and yes it’s because they can only see black & white distinctly when they’re all fresh and new to the world.
But I’m just saying…
Then I look over my shoulder and there’s this guy —>
Lastly, I decided to hang up this paper quilt that my students made for me while I was pregnant. Sweetest gift… bless their hearts. Yet, totally belongs in a funhouse —>
Sometimes, when I have to wake up at 3 am to feed Noob Baby and I’m in that half-awake state, I have visions of it crawling down the nursery wall with all of its yarn tentacles.
Ah well, gotta love it. All the little touches that make her nursery kinda psychedelic. David Lynch would be proud.
I love the nursery. The mobile and the quilt is just so artsy and ecletic.
i love all the bright colors! most infants toys DO look like the creator was on drugs, now that i think about it! lol!
my son’s room is now a combo of Thomas the Tank Engine, sports, glow in the dark stars, and Cars. there is no set theme there huh?
love your blog! stumbled upon it via Girl in the Glasses…glad i did! have a good weekend…
Hi, just stopping by!
I agree, the quilt is pretty. Althought, I can imagine what it looks like after a sleep deprived night!
what a cute nursery! Looks like she will never run out of things to look at and play with!
That quilt is pretty cool though! How thoughtful of them!