We took Noob Baby in for some new photos yesterday at Kiddie Kandids. We can’t believe how much she’s changed! She looks like a totally different Noob compared to the first time we brought her in when she was 3 months – not even able to hold her head up yet.
At the risk of sounding like a total fogie… damn, they grow up so quickly!
On Saturday morning, I sat in the nursery glider looking through her photo album. It was a peaceful, intimate moment to be in there with her while the rest of the world was sleeping in on a drizzly weekend.
Of course, I had another “Here’s Lookin At You, Kid“ moment.
If you have old photos that have been calling out to you from dusty albums or buried boxes…
Or maybe you have photographs that have been itching to get tucked into an album…
Perhaps, you just haven’t had the time to pull those Thanksgiving? Christmas? photos off your camera…
I hope you’ll take some time this week to revisit, smile, and reminisce.
I’m giving you the perfect excuse/challenge to sit down with your photos, put on a hot kettle or have a glass of wine, and just enjoy the subtle changes in our lives we so often forget to notice, appreciate and linger over.
How has your little one changed recently? Is there a subtle change in your life that you didn’t even notice until you stopped to appreciate it? I would love to know.
wow she has long hair! sooo cute!
my little noob started army crawling last week!
now hes a mover and we finally put a fence around the tv and stuff, he just loooves cords.
i swear he could have his 10 favorite toys around him and he sees a nice ctray cord and thats all he wants to mess with!
Hi there! Thanks for the congrats and compliments. I did indeed have a name change mid-year (glad to hear I wasn’t the only teacher who decided to get married in the middle of the school year instead of waiting for the summer months:). The kids, more than three months later, are still adjusting. And the combinations they’ve come up with combining my maiden and married name are quite funny. (I kind of, in an evil way, enjoy it.)
The Noob Baby is looking even more adorable, if that’s possible What a cutie! I love the toothy grin and pig-tails!
Adorable baby, adorable pictures! I’d love to know where you get those clips for her hair.
she really has the best hair ever!
the pictures are beautiful…You’re right when you say they grow up so fast. We took Tori in on Dec 18th (5 weeks old) and then on Saturday at 12 1/2 weeks, and I was FLOORED to see the difference 2 months make. They grown by leaps and bounds, it’s crazy. I have the photos, I just need to print them off, THEN put them in the albums
The pictures look great- kiddie kandids always does a good job! My little one has just started cooing and smiling, I love the little moments where we are gazing at each other and she goes “ooowhh”, it melts my heart! It also is a reminder of how far she has come.