There’s probably only one universal truth in this world that is completely irrefutable. It is a truth that spans all cultures, colors, and faiths. It is an entity that can bring gun-toting, cigar-smoking men to their knees even.
This truth being … babies have the cutest freakin feet in the world!
I dare you to look at a newborn’s tiny foot and not get all gooey and cooey inside. I’ve heard grown men cry, “Awwwww…..” as they restrain themselves from grabbing the pebbly toes. Babies can’t even resist their own feet, as evidenced by many babies sucking on their toes.
Noob Baby is one of these, and she loves to pull off her socks and try to suck on her feet. This works great when I’m changing her diaper, but I’ve been met with much resistance: Noob Daddy.
Noob Daddy has been egging me to blog about Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease for awhile now. He should probably go start his own No HFMD campaign, running public service announcements, handing out buttons, “Free the Foot” t-shirts, etc. Noob Daddy freaks out whenever NB puts her feet up to her mouth. While I don’t necessarily want her to suck on her own gosh-darn cute feet, I think it’s kinda funny once in awhile.
So, here is some information on why babies shouldn’t suck on their feet (even though they’re the cutest things ever. I mean, they don’t even walk yet so technically they’re not dirty, and you just want to eat them!)
Coxsackievirus (do I have your attention now? I swear this is G-rated)
aka Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease
HFMD is a virus most common in children (esp. preschoolers), not to be confused with Foot-and-Mouth Disease (which affects animals). This virus usually occurs during the summer and fall. It is contagious through nose and throat secretions, as well as stool and blisters. Most contagious when the child first shows symptoms, but can still be contagious for a week or so afterward.
Symptoms: Fever, sore throat, decreased appetite, and then sores in the back of the mouth (tongue, gums, cheeks). Later, the child may develop a rash on his hands, feet, and butt.T
Treatment: Avoid acidic and salty foods which may aggrevate the sores. Can take Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen for discomfort. A mix of Benadryl and Maalox (1 tsp of each) can be made. Use 0.8 ml of the mixture to coat the sores before feeding. Also, make sure baby is getting enough fluids, as they may not want to eat or drink due to discomfort. Keep baby’s toys clean, and wash hands frequently.
So there you have it! Not really a disease caused by feet-in-mouth after all.
Thus, baby feet are still a-freakin-dorable … but HFMD… not so cute.
You’re right! baby feet are just so damn cute! I just wanna eat them!
We had the whole hfmd go around here… not cool.
Recent blog post: Whatever Happened to Good ‘Ol Anarchy and Angst?
Yucky, get well soon vibes coming your way!
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