I’m sorry. Please just hear me out. I shouldn’t have taken you for granted. I never thought we’d have any problems with our relationship so soon, I mean, it’s only been 28 years (give or take). But now I see that the baby–the pregnancy–was just too hard on you. I realize that now, and I pray it’s not too late for us.
Just give me another chance, Hair. Things have been feeling so cold and bare without you…..especially that one awkward spot towards the left where everything inevitably parts. There’s an emptiness inside me, above me… well, just that whole area in general.
I wish I could take back some of the harsh things that were said. I know I hurt you when I “implied” you had let yourself go recently, especially after the baby. And that time when I said you look “a tad” old and dull, well, I can learn to be more sensitive. Lackluster? Would that have been better? I know I need to work on my communication.
We’ve been through so much together over the years, Hair. Remember the bowl cut? the bangs? gum and peanut butter? hot sticks? And, two words to chew on – “Sun In.” When no one thought we’d make it through the perm (twice!), we proved the strength of our love. We survived scrunchies and banana clips! We can overcome this hurdle. Oh, how deep our love is.
So, I’ve talked to a therapist, or rather, read something a medical expert said, and I hope this advice will bring you back to me, Hair. I will stop pulling you back and just let you be yourself. You can be free. Do what you want to do. I tried to hold you back and protect you for your own sake…you know how Noob Baby gets all grabby. It’s probably just a jealous ploy. I mean, you’ve seen her Hair.
Anyway, I hope you’ll think back on my love for you. My commitment and faithfulness. Conditioning, leave-ins, drying, curling, highlights, lowlights, straightening, trimming…
I miss you, Hair.
Hahaha fabulous blog!
I am right there with yoU! Though it looks rather crap-pah, I’m letting my hair be au natural today to let it “breathe”!!
I love it! And great photo…just be glad you don’t look like that!
Fret not, hair can be beaten into submission. No, really, it will return…just not always to the right place. LOL.
But really, a nice post that many of us can relate to.