Today begins a brand new day, and a brand new beginning for our country…
I feel blessed to be alive as history was made last night. Now, if my daughter were awake to watch the elections, I’m sure she would have been totally ecstatic that she was born the same year that the first African-American president was elected in our nation’s history.
Noob Baby would cheer and feel deeply appreciative. She would proudly proclaim her resolve to go to a fabulous university and become kind-of-a-big-deal one day! And just as she was standing (unsupported of course) on our coffee table, she would thrust up her bottle as a symbol of hope and endless possibilities! Then, feeling sort of fatigued from all that hullabaloo, she would lapse into an introspective meditation and retreat to her crib… falling asleep for the first time in her life ON HER OWN!
Or something like that…
Well, anyway, whatever your political affiliation or who you voted for yesterday, I hope we can all appreciate the meaning of this election and its historical implications. It’s strange to think that this time around, I am now a noob parent with much heavier responsibilities on my shoulders. I now have to think of not only myself, but most importantly, of our little one.
With the ongoing war, housing market crash, and now economic recession, I was really hoping that there would be some *glimmer* of change or simply something bright to look forward to.
So, I pray that our new president will have the ability to unite our country and other nations, incite action and optimism, and create peace for our little ones. That’s my wish this Brand New Day for your noob baby and mine 🙂
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