I’m excited to be hosting a giveaway that I think you’re going to love.
Before I give you the super easy details on how to enter, let me share why this famous line of products has been and still is a staple in our household.
Thinking back to when Noob Baby was just a few months old and I was still a complete mombie, there was something that I could always turn to which would enable me to get some basic things done; for example — make myself look like a human (i.e. bathe), prepare a gourmet meal (i.e. order pizza), or clean the house from top to bottom (aka move the pizza boxes from the top to the bottom of the couch).
When I really needed to get something done, I could always count on our Baby Einstein videos to keep NB entertained for what seemed like a godly amount of time.
So trust me when I say Baby Einstein was a staple in our household.
Ok, here’s what’s surprising to me. Noob Baby still hasn’t outgrown her Baby Einstein after two years. In between her Dora the Explorer and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse rotation, she still asks to watch her Baby Einstein.
With that in mind, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to review Disney’s latest line of Baby Einstein products – Baby Einstein Discovery Kits. Baby Einstein has revamped many of their award-winning DVDs. Now you can find the DVDs sold as Discovery Kits which include the DVD, music CD, and either a board book or flashcards. I find the learning kits to be more well-rounded and suitable for infants and toddlers (and old people. True story. After 30 years in the states, my 91-year-old grandmother may have learned some English while watching Baby Einstein with Noob Baby. WTF, right?).
The Discovery Kits come in three levels (each level has a few different kits to choose from):
- Level 1: Experience – Experience classical music
- Level 2: Explore – Explore animals and nature
- Level 3: Expression – Celebrate creative expression
I recommend you visit the Baby Einstein website to view all their kit selections.
Why you’ll want a kit of your own
- Your noob gets to watch an entertaining DVD with educational components (vocabulary, colors, music and art appreciation, to name a few).
- The music CD includes quality classical music from artists like Mozart, Beethovan, Bach, Strauss, Offenback, etc. Take the CD with you on the road or enjoy it around the house during playtime.
- The board book and/or flash cards (depending on which set you get) is perfect on the go. The board book is small enough to toss in your diaper bag or keep in the car.
- These kits would make great gifts, and I am all about gift sets. A DVD, CD and book in one kit. You can tell Baby Einstein is trying to help kids connect on multiple cognitive levels.
And now for the really exciting part…
Win your own Wild Animal Safari Discovery Kit
- To enter: Submit a comment sharing which Discovery Kit you’d love to own or gift.
- For an additional entry: Subscribe to my blog either via email or RSS feed (mention this as a separate comment)
- Another additional entry: Share this post on Facebook (Just click the Facebook icon at the end of this post and mention this as a separate comment)
- And another entry: Tweet this post (Just click the Twitter icon at the end of this post and mention this as a separate comment)
One winner will be randomly selected by random.org to win a Wild Animal Safari Discovery Kit. I will notify the winner via email at the close of giveaway. If I do not receive a response back within 48 hours of notification, another winner will be selected (please use an email you actually check when submitting your comment).
Giveaway closes on Thursday, February 10th at 10:00 pm PST.
Disclosure: This review is based solely on my own honest opinion and experience with the product. I received a free sample of the product to review, but no other form of compensation was received.
This giveaway is now closed. Thank you everyone for participating. Congratulations to Rose (commenter #13) on winning this kit!
I would love to win the Mozart level 1 music experience ebf for my babygirl
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Wild Animal Safari looks like a fun one!
Love the Baby Mozart kit!!
My son LOVES animals, so I’d have to say the “Animals Around me” kit!
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I would love the neptunes ocean kit! It looks amazing!
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I would like the ocean kit or the art kit. Van gogh is one of my favorite artists, and he is also my great great great cousin. My grandpas great grandmas nephew. So my great great great grandmothers nephews are Leo and Vincent van gogh. How cool is that!
My son would love the World of Rhythm kit! I think they all sound great, though!
Just subscribed to your blog. Yay, another entry! Thanks!
What a fun idea! I would love the Baby Beethoven or the Baby Mozart. I personally love the music and often play it for my baby girl. My best friend has a baby boy that I would love to gift one of these to, as well.
I love them all! My baby has two classical music handmedowns from family. He will sit there and watch the whole thing with such amazement in his eyes. I would love to win this~ =)
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I subscribed to your blog! (another entry – woo!) LOL, no but this blog looks great. I’m a new mommy too, so i love reading your posts. Looking forward to more!
After looking through all of the kits, I have a top 3 favorites list lol:
1: Neptune’s Ocean – Because baby LOVES the ocean. All of her toys have an ocean theme. The oceans sounds sooth her and I would love for her to learn much more about the ocean.
2: World of Rhythm – because right now at 5 months old she wiggles her hips and dances and cracks herself up! She would love this 🙂
3: World of Color – mainly because Van Gough is my favorite artist (that my own benefit) and I want her to have a huge sense of art; learning how to be creative with colors.
I would absolutely love to buy or receive any one of these kits. 🙂
I would probably like to get/give the explore kit the most, because my son loves animals and the outdoors 🙂
What a great giveaway, and a great blog! I love the Baby Einstein DVDs, and my baby does, too! I know what you mean about how they can buy you that blessed moment of freedom! 🙂 It’s hard to pick only one Discovery Kit, but my first pick would be the World of Rhythm.
My daughter loves the one Baby Einstein video we have (First Steps). She watches it over and over! I think I would like the Words Around Me kit.
Id love to have all of the baby eisteins I think they are great!
Just subscribed! My little one is only two months old, but is already SO interested in everything around him, especially the television. I’ve been meaning to buy some baby einstein DVDs so I can watch them with him and feel like he is at least watching something meaningful and educational rather than just my reality TV shows and Sex and the City. Ha! I would LOVE any of the kits, but perhaps should start with Level 1…maybe Baby Mozart?
I think its great that you are able to give a way a baby einstein product! My baby LOVES these videos too. We bought the box set, but i’m finding that she really LOVES the ones that have animals in it. Thats why I think the Level 2: Explore would be great for her!
My daughter would love the Wild Animal Safari one. We have a family membership to the Bronx Zoo since she was born. She loves animals, and we also have a cat at home. These Discovery Kits look like wonderful tools to engage our adventurous explorers in a variety of ways.
just posted to facebook!
Just found your site! I’m a FTM and have just recently got into the Baby Einstein products and would LOVE some more. I’m sure my son would love any of them but I’m especially interested in Neptune’s Ocean Discovery Kit!! Thanks!
I would want the World of Rhythm kit. Looks so fun!
My little guy would love Motzart or Beetoven because Mama loves them and plays them on the piano!!
I have been planning to get some Baby Einstein products for my son. I think these are great tools for teaching little ones about the world around them. I love all of the Level 2 kits. We have 2 dogs, a cat and a fish tank, add in the squirrels we feed and the birds that come to the bird feeder and my son is very curious about animals, which makes the Animals Around Me kit great for him. Next is the Ocean one which I think he would enjoy because he loves Nemo. His room is a jungle theme and he especially loves the elephants and lions so I think he would respond well to the Safari one as well. I also think the World of Rhythm sounds great for him (level 3). He loves music and singing and I would like to encourage his interest in all types of music not just one genre. I’m sure we would love all of them!
Just subscribed to the blog…looks great.
My little one would love the Level 2: Explore – Explore animals and nature…we have a few pets who she loves to watch.
I would love the Celebrate Creative Expressions ! My son is also a baby Einstein baby 🙂
My daughter would love the Wild Animal Safari one I bet. She loves animals. I have never seen these before. They look really awesome and I just know my LO would love to have any one of them.
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My son would love the World of Rhythm! Love your blog! Have been reading since BBC.
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i’m on twitter as mommy_blogger
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I’d love the wild animal one. My son loves big cats and monkeys. I’m sure he’d enjoy that.
LOVE Baby Einstein!! I would love to have the animals around me discovery kit!
I also subscribed to your blog 🙂 looking forward to the read- btw, I found you from your post on the BCC, Oct 2010 mommies 🙂
I’d choose Animals Around Me kit!
i have subscribed and followed on facebook. i dont have a twitter though.
I want my baby to grow up healthy and smart. Baby Mozart Discovery Kit would be very beneficial to my newborn! Also the Baby Beethoven Discovery Kit sounds wonderful!
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And on twitter 😉
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We would love the world of rhythm one! My daughter dances to anything with rhythm!!
I’m expecting and don’t have any baby Einstein products yet, but in picking out a “first” would go with either Neptune’s Ocean or the Rhythm kit.
Awesome!! I sent via Facebook, Twitter, I subscribed and I am posting that I think my little one would love the Neptune’s Ocean Discovery Kit. Love Baby Einstein!! Thanks!!
Hi…I would love to win anything from baby Einstein aa we haven’t tried it yet in my home
But I feel the same regarding being a mombie..
Im a first time mom and I love my little man so much but I would love it if he could be occupied for some time while he was awake so i could get anything done since it is so hard to do anything when he naps since I have to be so quiet.
I just subscribed! I would love to have the Baby Einstein Beethoven! I’m so glad to have found this blog! I’ve been thinking about buying Baby Einstein videos. I already have the exersaucer and playmat, my son loves both!
Sadie would love Baby Lulluby! I have the Baby Mozart DVD and she is memorized by it!
Also love the Animals Around Me kit!
I’d choose Animals Around Me kit
I’d love to get the “World of Rhythm Discovery Kit.” So much fun!
I already follow your blog. Love it, very entertaining & love when you do reviews!
My son loves Baby Einstein, I have the app on my iphone, but he likes to watch some hand me down DVDs from his cousins too. The kits look really great, I think he would like the Wild Animal Safari Discovery Kit. Thanks!
I think the Animals Around Me Discovery Kit looks great!
I am a suscriber!
I alreadysubscrivbe – super funny blog!
My boy would love world of words I bet! He’s talking up a storm these days!
I just tweeted the giveaway!! Thanks Noob Mommy!!
I just shared with my facebook friends 🙂
I already subscribe to your blog! I love it
my son loves Baby Einstein!! and it’s also a staple in our house. He loves the Mozart!